вторник, 16 декември 2008

The 10 I - Var Commandments

Еве како е запишано во преводот на Стариот Завет на Кралот Ѓорѓија:

1. Thou Shall not Produce Ajvar alone, but with relatives mostly.
2. Thou Shall make Ajvar on Kumbe and Kjumbe alone.
3. Thou Must “Ogovaras Sve” Live and Wild during the process.
4. Thou must make rakija brakes as much as possible.
5. Thou Must not make small amount of it or do it in a day.
6. Throughout you MUST ALWAYS BENT to His Majesty, DA PEPER, You have no right to ‘ispravis grb’ in the process, rakija is the only exception
7. By the time it is finished, you MUST have taze leb and sirence obtained, any other combination for the first taste is a blasphemy, and there fore a sin.
8. Throughout the process; if woman, you must exchange past experiences and talk about other turshijas as well.
9. If Woman, you Must 'teras u picku majcinu, site sto ne ti pomagaat a ke jadat.
10. THOU MUST SWEAR(kolnes) THAT YOU WILL NEVER Make Ajvar again, because it is not worth the trouble, but you Must know and feel that the process is inevitable the next, and next and next year!!!

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